Chapter 2562 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep55
- “Sure, I mean, I appreciate you agreeing to act like nothing happened.” Ron responded, mostly relieved, but still somewhat disappointed to know he would not get to experience those incredible feelings he had when Beth slowly rocked up and down on his cock.
- “Now, I can’t speak for Pam, you heard the things she said about you. It seems she’s quite obsessed with what you are packing around between your legs here,” Beth said, while gently tapping her left hand on Ron’s thigh.
- Beth’s hand remained on Ron’s thigh, as his cock grew still harder and longer, down the inseam of Ron’s pants, forming an unmistakable bulge only inches from her fingers. Ron looked up toward where Amy and Pam had gone to the restroom, anticipating their return. Instead, he saw them on the dance floor, dancing with each other, but with an attentive audience of college guys admiring the way they moved their bodies to the pounding beat of the Reggae music.